Jumat, 27 Maret 2009

About Diseases

About Diseases There are 2 kinds of diseases: * Physical Diseases * Diseases Life Physical disease Physical illness is a disease that we know a lot already and most people never mengalaminya. This can be obati with the way the medical and traditional / alternative treatment. Diseases Life While the disease is a disease that soul comes from within man himself who caused terganggunya nerve system, so gerik cause movement of the human is not to be controlled or not normal. Attributes that cause many diseases and prey life such as; * Envy (envy) * HAQAD (malicious or hateful) SUUZ-zan (suspected bad) * Haughty (proud) UJUB (feel perfect escape from other people) * Riya (show off the excess) * SUMA (search-search for a name or kemasyuran) * BUKHUL (fisted) * HUBBUL MAL (material) * TAFAHUR (prides itself) * GHADAB (hotspur) * GHIBAH (crab) * NAMINAH (talk behind people) * KIZIB (lie) * Recreancy (Hypocrites) How Cleaning Up 1. Intention is good and true 2. God does not menyekutukan / syirik 3. Beginning prayer time 4. Perbanyak prayer sunah 5. Does not cancel wudhu 6. Perbanyak read Al Quran 7. Perbanyak wirid / zikir 8. Not vain words and deeds 9. Less food 10. Less sleep. Treatment Method Treatment method that is run by Ki Sidhik Pangestu is: 1. Use of Traditional and modern medicine 2. Meditation 3. Pemijatan 4. Fasting 5. Prayer

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